Monday, March 2, 2009

My Secret Passion - and I Almost Got Caught Today

Reading would be my secret passion. Its a secret because it can consume me. I can read for hours and hours. Today I was reading while on the elliptical - its a safe place to read and when I was finished working out I wanted to keep reading so I sat on my bed thinking I would read one more chapter well two and then I heard the garage door - Sean was coming home (he works from the house now) anyways the guilt set in and I threw the book in closet and turned on the shower and jumped in (still freezing cold). I felt so guilty for reading when I have a million things to do. I feel guilty because I love to read. It started when I was little and would read those choose your own adventure stories then I started reading the V.C. Andrews series Flowers in the Attic. I eventually fell in love with Stephen King and would spend hours reading into the middle of the night. Once I hit college the pleasure reading stopped, I met Sean and had kids so the only reading I got done was kid books at night. Well I started reading again in the past few years. It can really get in the way of being married, so I only read while working out, on a plane, or at night when Sean is gone. I felt so guilty crossing my boundaries today - stupid book too! I still love Stephen King novels ("The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon" my favorite), and historical fiction ("Fire of the Covenant" my favorite) and of course the Twilight series. "The Great and Terrible" series by Chris Stewart is amazing too (LDS fiction of sorts). I was into True Crime for awhile but after reading the "Green River Killer" it put me over the edge, plus one of the girls bodies was found in the Christmas tree farm on Bull Mt. (I could see the farm from my master window in Tigard - creepy). Anyways, I thought it was funny that my heart was pounding being caught doing something I love and good for you too. I guess I would make a great employee and a very loyal friend as well! Off to do the real chores to make our house run smooth and Joanne love that you have read almost all three Twilight books in less than 2 weeks - you go girl!

1 comment:

  1. That cracked me up that you threw your book in the closet and jumped in the shower. Apparently, Sean doesn't read your blog? ha!
    I, too, love to read! When I find a great book I read all the time - I think it is great to have your littles seeing you read!
    Crime books? Really? I can watch those shows but I can't read those books! Why is that? Too real? Hmmmm
    Hope you are having fun scrapbookin'!
