Friday, February 20, 2009


With all the kids healthy today and not having to go to work I splurged and went SHOPPING! Oh my - I so have missed going into a store - any store and just looking around. We sold Sean's fridge that was in his office so I had some cash and I went right ahead and spent it! Shoes for Andrew and Michael, a way cool green golf shirt for Zach for his first day of high school golf tryouts at West Linn, new church pants for Michael, and a pair of polka dot flip flops for Emily and for myself a few pairs of capri's that actually fit! I was very careful and didn't splurge to bad - Nike had an awesome jacket that I loved but put back on the rack. I had so much fun and even treated myself to Baha Fresh on the way home! Funny how I felt so liberated and joyful - maybe pathetic is the right word! Anyways I had a blast - Yeah!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Good for you, sometimes we just need to feel normal again. Love!
