Thursday, January 8, 2009

OCD no more.....

About 10 years ago I had a bad case of Step Throat that somehow enlarged some part of my brain that triggers OCD. Weird I know - I was obsessed with having my house clean and straight and balanced. I would walk around even straightening the fringe of my rugs - pathetic I know. I also became very leery of going into public places with my kids for fear they would get sick. Long story short after some not so great therapy and some not so great medicine I had to have surgery and I was on a heavy antibiotic for a few weeks - this some how took the edge off the whole OCD thing and ever since I have slowly let go of all those fears and compulsions. Yeah! Well to prove this I realized that I didn't really mind that one night Andrew had taken all his gum and some of his brothers that he got for Christmas and taped it all to is walls around his bed. He found some posters and stuffed animals and taped them up too. He even photo copied various items in our house and glued them with glue stick to his walls and doors. I got such a kick out of it - he is very proud of he is masterpiece and I am too. I am glad my compulsion for things to picture magazine perfect are out the door (not that I don't like a clean straight house) but its okay that my kids have the freedom to be creative their own way. So here is to you Andrew! Thanks you!


  1. We miss you Andrew! Where exactly was mom while you were using the copy machine? Cleaning? Haha! Love you Polly!

  2. Very creative. My kids choose markers to create masterpieces on their walls and for some reason it doesn't matter how much paper they have! The gum wrappers he used are really pretty!

  3. I think this is great! I think that it is awesome to have your little create and leave it up like that! Especially since he appears to be so proud about it!!! Good for you to let it go and embrace it!!
