Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Brittany Spears & the Chicken

I found this in the bottom of Emily's backpack - not exactly sure what she was thinking! To funny!


  1. So what is scarier, that Britney is the doctor, or that there will be a chicken in the operating room? OSHA should be notified and Emily should make a TV mini series out of this!

  2. This is cracking me up! Don't you want to go inside their little brains sometime?! So funny! I get to go into Hunter's classroom every other week and the children dictate stories to me. I about die laughing, but have to keep a straight face.
    I love that you took a photo of this and added it to your blog - she will DIE when she is older! HA HA HA!

  3. Hey Polly! Hope you're doing well. Avery misses Em, maybe we could get them together soon.

    ps- I would be less concerned if Britney was my doctor than if she were my hair dresser.
