14 Things that Are Unique and Fantastic About Michael
1. He has lots of energy!
2. He has figured out how to get good grades. - Yes!
3. Michael has a great eye for balance/colors etc. This year he helped me design the back of my friends necklaces - he knew exactly what they needed and they turned out great!
4. He loves to be a silly kid at heart and will come up with the most creative things to do with his brother and sister.
5. He's a fabulous fun dare devil snowboarder.... we are up at the mountains skipping school for his birthday with his friends!!
6. He is good in a crisis - I swear his life so far is slowly teaching him for some big disaster some day.
7. He is not afraid of much - minus the telephone. Scared to death to call on it or answer it....
8. He loves Mexican food just like his mom!
9. He will kill me for repeating this but he has a knack for writing poetry!!
10. He has never been jealous or disappointed on birthdays or Christmas - he loves to give rather than receive.
11. His room is a constant disaster.
12. He has broken the same tiny bone in his same toe twice once on each end.... go figure!
13. He might be half vampire - he showers in the dark, eats breakfast in the dark and is always closing the blinds....
14. His favorite shows to watch are on discovery channel - he might hate to read but he actually learns a lot watching these random shows!
Happy Birthday Michael - I love you soooo much!
Happy Birthday to Michael! We think he is a great, fun kid to be around!!! So glad you guys moved here!