Friday, December 18, 2009

Random Thoughts

1. School programs and parties should not be scheduled for the last few days of the week before school gets out for break - with multiple kids you have to be way ahead of the game to be able to navigate it along with getting ready for the holidays kid free....

2. My daughter is an excellent writer and she has a very loud commanding voice!

3. I love getting texts from my teenagers during the day - in school.... hummmm - at least they are thinking of me! :)

4. They idea of Christmas is great and spiritual but actually trying to pull it off - almost not worth it!

5. It is very important to let the garage door open all the way before backing out - sigh - yup didn't remember that this morning.

6. If all else fails replace the belt on the vacuum - presto works like new again - wish I would have thought of that a few months ago.

7. Thinking my random vertigo is finally going away - what's up with that - feeling like I spun in circles all day and night!

8. Finally feel like I belong in West Linn - had a get together with friends the other morning and I was thinking about how I have really great friends here in West Linn!

9. Actually super excited to have lots and lots of kids here tonight for pizza and fun. Everyone is bringing multiple friends over, Sean is gone and we can just hang..... really I am excited!

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